Subharnab: Stealing a romantic moment ... from the busy wedding schedule
Subharnab: Lost in thoughts of the future ahead ...
Subharnab: The Bride .... Thoughtful
Subharnab: That was funny :-)
Subharnab: The eager observer ... New to the family
Subharnab: Inside Rajdhani ... Coming back home
Subharnab: Vidayee
Subharnab: Prachee says "Enough!!!"
Subharnab: A wedding can be tiresome ...
Subharnab: Offerings to the fire ...
Subharnab: Help Me ... God
Subharnab: Set Up Smile ...
Subharnab: One more Act
Subharnab: The Bride ... The look
Subharnab: Looking Back ... ???
Subharnab: The Shy Bride (???)
Subharnab: On the way to the ceremonies ...
Subharnab: How do I look???
Subharnab: Blessings ... Can't have enough :)