Micke Lilja:
**Tastes like robe
Micke Lilja:
**Are you sure theese are mine...
Micke Lilja:
**two greens
Micke Lilja:
**Climb that torso
Micke Lilja:
**... and then there was silence
Micke Lilja:
**'I just need to be carried around a while'
Micke Lilja:
**Aiming for the sun
Micke Lilja:
**I want them all
Micke Lilja:
**Fastboat to the edge of the world
Micke Lilja:
**River of leaves
Micke Lilja:
**This is great!
Micke Lilja:
**Are you OK in there?
Micke Lilja:
**Lets call it a night
Micke Lilja:
**take a break
Micke Lilja:
**Who IS this woman
Micke Lilja:
**curiosity killed the cat
Micke Lilja:
**callin dad about the boy
Micke Lilja:
Micke Lilja:
**Life is beautiful
Micke Lilja:
**fever rays
Micke Lilja:
**Here comes the sun
Micke Lilja:
**Swing it...or not
Micke Lilja:
**...and living is easy
Micke Lilja:
**Mmm, theres that old couch!
Micke Lilja:
**I need an app for this...
Micke Lilja:
**Two early birds 2
Micke Lilja:
**I said lower it. LOWER.
Micke Lilja:
**Digger Barnes
Micke Lilja:
**Hostile takeover
Micke Lilja:
**Here comes the next one