Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Silhouette- Title by Momina
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Moon aka Chand aka Spogmay
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Go for the moon. If you don't get it, you'll still be heading for a star. Willis Reed
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: hey! wohoo i've finally got company!
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Save Mr.Green before its too late
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: If i could not create miracles from love, then i could atleast do it by speaking the sort of words that fascinate children.
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. Gerard De Nerval
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: Each raindrop of my childhood is a memory, is a beam, is a friend, is a treasure, is an untold story of sparkling days!