stynxno: From the stands.
stynxno: Crowd shot.
stynxno: Watching dancers perform.
stynxno: T-Shirts
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Worship at NRG Stadium
stynxno: Ball pit.
stynxno: The telling you to be a pastor.
stynxno: "What is God calling you to do or to be today?"
stynxno: Making Art.
stynxno: Making a blanket.
stynxno: Learning what's accessible on a wheelchair and what's not
stynxno: Making art.
stynxno: The whole earth...inside this convention center.
stynxno: First Night.
stynxno: First Night.
stynxno: First Night.
stynxno: Looking Up
stynxno: Shuttle Outside
stynxno: Shuttle Outside
stynxno: Apollo Capsule
stynxno: Star Trek Prop
stynxno: Coleen Taking a Pic
stynxno: Looking Backwards
stynxno: Near the top