stynxno: Bishop Crist preaching.
stynxno: Communion elements.
stynxno: Closing worship.
stynxno: Some more of my gear.
stynxno: Last day.
stynxno: My favorite sign of the entire week.
stynxno: A congo line broke out.
stynxno: Bishop Rimbo as Martin Luther
stynxno: MNYS and the rest of the ELCA get into it.
stynxno: Having some fun.
stynxno: Signature dessert.
stynxno: Some new friends.
stynxno: 25th Anniversary Party
stynxno: The window that we helped create.
stynxno: MNYS dinner
stynxno: MNYS dinner
stynxno: MNYS dinner
stynxno: A Sikh. First non-Abrahamic faith individual to address an ELCA assembly.
stynxno: Worship
stynxno: Presiding Bishop Hanson receives a medal
stynxno: Outside sign.
stynxno: The hall from the top.
stynxno: Presiding Bishop-Elect Eaton.
stynxno: On the election of bishop-elect Eaton.
stynxno: The Youth and Young Adults gather
stynxno: We did a lot of sitting.
stynxno: Second ballot for presiding bishop.
stynxno: Skipping bible study and, what do you know, there I am again.
stynxno: Hymn
stynxno: Holy Communion.