stynxno: original sauce
stynxno: bkudria reads a menu, ponders death
stynxno: spec80 and boyfriend
stynxno: onalark and onalark's gf
stynxno: i ate this
stynxno: rmless does her version of the soulja boy dance
stynxno: lola_g holds court
stynxno: bkundria, spec80, beer
stynxno: it's so hot in nyc, the booze is evaporating
stynxno: bald stynxno, thepinksuperhero
stynxno: onalark and onalark's girliefriend
stynxno: onalark's chest wants some booze
stynxno: thepinksuperhero takes a shot
stynxno: jonmc sucker punches me but, like the stone cold glare of an inflatable clown, I take it no problem
stynxno: non-mefite lurker, lola_g
stynxno: afronblanco is just a floating head now
stynxno: you think that this picture is out of focus but jonmc can phase shift. rly.
stynxno: amicamentis, HotPatatta gives you all a high five, thepinksuperhero
stynxno: thepinksuperhero, rmless, afroblanco's invisible accordian