Stylurus: the wet woods
Stylurus: the old field
Stylurus: a Knight that says, "Ni" ?
Stylurus: leaves of a Shingle Oak
Stylurus: cantilevered trunk
Stylurus: one of the Shingle Oaks on our property
Stylurus: snowy woods
Stylurus: Winter Wren hangout
Stylurus: raptor nest from below
Stylurus: stick nest
Stylurus: It looks like a washing machine let loose with its suds.
Stylurus: the swamp has water after the 2012 drought
Stylurus: The large Bur Oak of our swamp.
Stylurus: splintered
Stylurus: fungi on chokecherry
Stylurus: Skunk Cabbage
Stylurus: pollinator of Skunk Cabbage = Honey Bee
Stylurus: Wild Geraniums
Stylurus: White-tailed Deer hiding in the ground cover
Stylurus: flowers of Giant Blue Cohosh
Stylurus: Cabbage White in Garlic Mustard
Stylurus: Drooping Trillium (Trillium flexipes)
Stylurus: flower of Drooping Trillium
Stylurus: coral fungus
Stylurus: beetle damage under the bark
Stylurus: maturing fruit of American Hazelnut
Stylurus: Great Blue Lobelia
Stylurus: the Big Oak
Stylurus: Broad-leaved Helleborine
Stylurus: the big oak with my cellphone