Stylurus: spittlebug in its spittle
Stylurus: Long-necked Seed Bug
Stylurus: Northern Flatid Planthopper
Stylurus: Water Strider in November
Stylurus: Northern Flatid Planthopper
Stylurus: Eastern Box Elder Bug
Stylurus: Western Conifer Seed Bug
Stylurus: Green Stink Bug
Stylurus: life and death - all in one photo
Stylurus: Dogwood Spittlebug
Stylurus: Sharpshooter
Stylurus: Western Conifer Seed Bug
Stylurus: Woolly Alder Aphids have a visitor
Stylurus: Woolly Alder Aphids
Stylurus: Tibicen sp.
Stylurus: nothing but skin and ... legs
Stylurus: Jagged Ambush Bug with a bee
Stylurus: cicada with damaged wing
Stylurus: Lygus bug
Stylurus: Red-banded Leafhopper - dorsal
Stylurus: Red-banded Leafhopper - lateral
Stylurus: Damsel Bug
Stylurus: face of a Cotton Stainer
Stylurus: Cotton Stainer
Stylurus: Large Milkweed Bugs
Stylurus: Large Milkweed Bugs on milkweed pods
Stylurus: nymph of an arboreal stink bug
Stylurus: Planthopper
Stylurus: Planthopper on the windshield
Stylurus: the "dust bunny" greeter