Stylurus: Brandt's Cormorants
Stylurus: Brown Boobies
Stylurus: Black Oystercatcher and California Sealion
Stylurus: lousy photo of a Brown Booby, but good for a thumbnail
Stylurus: boobies galore
Stylurus: Brown Booby takeoff
Stylurus: Brandt's Cormorants on Bird Rock
Stylurus: Tropical Mockingbird
Stylurus: birds of the El Grullo sewage canal
Stylurus: Crested Guans
Stylurus: it would have been a nice shot...
Stylurus: breakfast at the compost pit
Stylurus: bird banding setup
Stylurus: bird banding at Las Joyas
Stylurus: explanation of the bird banding operation
Stylurus: breakfast at the banding site
Stylurus: the staff's turn for breakfast
Stylurus: a "new bird" for Las Joyas
Stylurus: measuring the wing chord of a hummingbird
Stylurus: weighing a hummingbird
Stylurus: confirming the Calliope Hummingbird
Stylurus: post-banding feeding of the hummingbird
Stylurus: Laughing Gulls
Stylurus: not a great photo, but shows the colors
Stylurus: the trash birds of Los Negritos
Stylurus: Green-striped Brush-finch
Stylurus: Russet Nightingale-thrush
Stylurus: Julie and a Catharus thrush
Stylurus: White-eared Hummingbird
Stylurus: weighing a wren