Stylurus: a few Luna Moth caterpillars
Stylurus: a few Polyphemus caterpillars
Stylurus: a few Cecropia caterpillars
Stylurus: Cecropia Moth caterpillars
Stylurus: Cecropia 1st instar, eggs, and food (Box Elder)
Stylurus: working on "the ranch"
Stylurus: hatched eggs of Luna Moths
Stylurus: Luna Moth caterpillar on Black Walnut
Stylurus: Cecropia Moth caterpillars
Stylurus: Polyphemus caterpillars
Stylurus: brightly colored Cecropia moths
Stylurus: Cecropia caterpillar
Stylurus: "Cool bug", says my niece
Stylurus: two baby rainbow caterpillars - as named by my niece
Stylurus: Luna Moth caterpillar
Stylurus: shedding its skin
Stylurus: feet of a Cecropia caterpillar
Stylurus: Luna Moth cocoon
Stylurus: freshly emerged male
Stylurus: female Luna Moth
Stylurus: a pair waiting for the evening
Stylurus: It's a tough life in the pen.
Stylurus: pairing up the Luna Moths
Stylurus: Getting instructions.
Stylurus: a mated pair
Stylurus: recently emerged Luna Moth
Stylurus: side view of emerged male Luna Moth
Stylurus: recently emerged male Luna Moth
Stylurus: another pair
Stylurus: Luna Moth eggs