Stylurus: thorax and head of Cordulegaster exuvia
Stylurus: remaining portion of female exuvia
Stylurus: attempt to photograph the palpal setae
Stylurus: salvaged front 1/2 of exuvia
Stylurus: front 1/2 of emerging female exuvia
Stylurus: can't focus on this dirty critter
Stylurus: wider shot of emerging female area
Stylurus: examining the spiketail habitat
Stylurus: trying to return to the rivulet
Stylurus: Made in U.S.A.
Stylurus: crawling up the scale
Stylurus: 2nd nymph getting lined up
Stylurus: another area shot
Stylurus: area of 2nd nymph
Stylurus: hole of the 2nd nymph
Stylurus: location of 2nd nymph
Stylurus: 2nd nymph
Stylurus: the boss is coming to look for odes
Stylurus: area of the emerging female
Stylurus: closeup
Stylurus: coming out
Stylurus: showing location of emergence
Stylurus: female nymph location
Stylurus: the other side of the Cordulegaster
Stylurus: another shot
Stylurus: another angle
Stylurus: emerging spiketail
Stylurus: grainy photo and individual
Stylurus: emerging Cordulegaster
Stylurus: becoming an adult