Stylurus: wasp nest
Stylurus: moving boulders
Stylurus: Green Ratsnake
Stylurus: another view of the fantastic Blue Bunting
Stylurus: Wilson's Warbler
Stylurus: Kentucky Warbler
Stylurus: showing his colors
Stylurus: He's a biter!
Stylurus: Long-billed Hermit in the net
Stylurus: Hataerina cruentata
Stylurus: before release
Stylurus: profile of a female Collared Trogon
Stylurus: she's got some whiskers
Stylurus: checking out the Collared Trogon
Stylurus: the bird banding bridge
Stylurus: Cerulean Dancer
Stylurus: Stewart's Milksnake
Stylurus: Autochton sp.
Stylurus: Cerulean Dancer
Stylurus: another leafhopper sp.
Stylurus: nest of a Violet Sabrewing
Stylurus: One-banded (or White-banded) Satyr
Stylurus: Net-winged Beetle
Stylurus: Clearwinged Mimic-white
Stylurus: Dusky-blue Groundstreak
Stylurus: Banded Peacock
Stylurus: leafhopper sp.
Stylurus: It's a plane, it's a bird. (period)
Stylurus: taking bananas to market
Stylurus: searching for birds along the road