Stylurus: Black-winged Stilts
Stylurus: Pacific Golden-plover
Stylurus: Pacific Golden-plover
Stylurus: Mountain Plover in a Prairie Dog town
Stylurus: Yatsu mudflats and Dunlin
Stylurus: King of the Mountain ...errrr... rock pile
Stylurus: Peeps
Stylurus: Red Phalarope
Stylurus: Red Phalarope
Stylurus: Peeps
Stylurus: that's a long (I mean, short) bill
Stylurus: colorful character
Stylurus: brilliant pattern
Stylurus: feeding and walking
Stylurus: Short-billed Dowitchers
Stylurus: are you watching me?
Stylurus: feeding
Stylurus: Red Knot
Stylurus: giving a scratch and ruffling feathers
Stylurus: Least Sandpipers
Stylurus: I think we're being watched.
Stylurus: 4th city record
Stylurus: Upland Sandpiper
Stylurus: Long-billed Curlew
Stylurus: curlew on the green
Stylurus: Killdeer in late December
Stylurus: Black Oystercatcher and California Sealion
Stylurus: Mountain Plover