Stylurus: ripe and unripe coffee - typica
Stylurus: ready for picking - coffee beans
Stylurus: from a distance this could look like a holly
Stylurus: coffee weigh station
Stylurus: Finca Malllette
Stylurus: coffee workers residence
Stylurus: yellow coffee bean plant
Stylurus: coffee weigh station
Stylurus: picking coffee
Stylurus: now that's a way to get to work
Stylurus: sometimes Eucalyptus trees are used in shade-grown coffee plantations
Stylurus: ladders needed to pick Typica coffee beans
Stylurus: Ladder No. 5
Stylurus: La Florentina
Stylurus: La Florentina buildings
Stylurus: coffee plant next to the house
Stylurus: hillside patchwork
Stylurus: plot of coffee
Stylurus: shade coffee
Stylurus: shade coffee plantation
Stylurus: shade-grown coffee
Stylurus: sun coffee plantation
Stylurus: Geisha coffee plot
Stylurus: view from Ojo de Agua
Stylurus: another view from Ojo de Agua
Stylurus: coffee blossom
Stylurus: newly planted Geisha coffee plants
Stylurus: Geisha seedlings
Stylurus: seedlings of Geisha coffee plants
Stylurus: sign for Finca Hartmann