Stylurus: Northern Chorinea (Clearmark) Chorinea octauius
Stylurus: facing the morning sun (on a hosta)
Stylurus: pedestrian crossing for a nude beach?
Stylurus: the reason why children are afraid of clowns and spiders
Stylurus: Orange-crowned Warbler
Stylurus: no entry
Stylurus: White-breasted Nuthatch
Stylurus: Common Redpoll
Stylurus: Terror of the backyard
Stylurus: Rusty Blackbird and fall colors
Stylurus: titmouse portrait
Stylurus: owl and owlet
Stylurus: Strike a pose!
Stylurus: sharp lookin' fella
Stylurus: Red-banded Leafhopper - dorsal
Stylurus: 1/2 of a flower
Stylurus: a little jewel
Stylurus: Bigfoot is well endowed