Stylurus: the end
Stylurus: Guy and the purple duckweed
Stylurus: the dead end road into the WMA
Stylurus: swamp scenery
Stylurus: the gang of four
Stylurus: thickets of cane hide momma hogs and her little ones
Stylurus: David Luneau in the swamp
Stylurus: the gang
Stylurus: swamp trees
Stylurus: Guy really got me
Stylurus: D in the swamp
Stylurus: navigating the terrain
Stylurus: swamp canoeing
Stylurus: the path out is clearly visible?
Stylurus: Double-checking the maps
Stylurus: "A walk in the park"
Stylurus: river scenery
Stylurus: swamp magic - colors
Stylurus: cypress and tupelos
Stylurus: G. Luneau checking the map
Stylurus: D in the swamp
Stylurus: David Luneau at a large tree
Stylurus: river scenery
Stylurus: into the thicket
Stylurus: free delivery or Search&Rescue ?
Stylurus: into the swamp
Stylurus: swamp scenery
Stylurus: up a creek
Stylurus: master of the helm
Stylurus: calm river scenery