Stv.: In the surf at Dusk
Stv.: Sunset on Miracle Beach
Stv.: No Campfire? No Problem
Stv.: We've got everything we need
Stv.: Circles, man, circles
Stv.: Liam executes a surprise attack on Luke
Stv.: Playing in the water
Stv.: The conqueror
Stv.: Luke is buried alive
Stv.: Farm-shed
Stv.: How we spent our day
Stv.: Kellan learns how the water-squirter works
Stv.: Liam, coming to attack me.
Stv.: Iva & Luke play Frisbee
Stv.: What do you want?
Stv.: Even camping, boys love their devices
Stv.: Kellan Tees off with help from Mama
Stv.: Missing the shot.
Stv.: Liam puts for par
Stv.: Luke tees off
Stv.: Liam
Stv.: Sweet little Accountant house in the middle of nowhere
Stv.: Canopy
Stv.: All Packed up, ready to head home
Stv.: My Lovely.