NateGeesaman: Living Room Window 7-22-11
Martin_Heigan: Dead Vlei (Dooievlei)
Pseudolithos: Haworthia truncata
maya_dragonfly: Gasteria bloom
lotus8: The Ripple Effect. Iluka. New South Wales.
Ployskies: Orostachys erubescens
Martin_Heigan: Salt Pan Stereographic Panorama
Martin_Heigan: Botanical Garden Tiny Planet (Stereographic)
Plantules: IMG_4993
graftedno1: Horse Fly #1.
graftedno1: The eyes have it .
graftedno1: Edithcolea grandis.
morill@: stapelia I
morill@: stapelia
Martin_Heigan: Getting Away...
Bea Eggli: Araña Pollito
mercury_hess: IMG_7731
f.arias: Huernia zebrina
ktvamp: Ceraria pygmaea
epiforums: Echinopsis - Infinity
Mary-Read: mini colección de lithops
Garry Platt: Lithops
Kelsana: Succulent dilemma
Kelsana: Jaws is still alive and well
chid.gilovitz: e obesa
CaptPiper: Snowflake on my Shoelace