sturner404: And we have puppy play!
sturner404: Echo and Jax, Frisbee Fun
sturner404: Running with the big dog
sturner404: Echo's turn to run with the frisbee
sturner404: Frisbee fun, Echo at 9 weeks
sturner404: Echo and Jax, here comes the sunshine!
sturner404: Rope tug war - Echo pretty much always "wins"
sturner404: Rope play is serious business
sturner404: Play time for Jax and Echo
sturner404: Schooling Echo
sturner404: Zombie Aussiepocalypse!
sturner404: Fun and games
sturner404: Please can I have that?
sturner404: Jax and Echo enjoying a break from the rain
sturner404: Echo and Jax
sturner404: Serenading the neighbors
sturner404: Jax in the limelight
sturner404: All in Good Fun
sturner404: Tough Mudder, Aussie style
sturner404: Such drama queens
sturner404: Partners in Crime
sturner404: Puppy Echo with Jax, feeling nostalgic