sturgill: emo radioactive park bench
sturgill: atomic couple - cabel & nicole
sturgill: nuclear doods
sturgill: dueling volkwagons
sturgill: hotel elliot - wonderful beds
sturgill: g-rad
sturgill: checking out the digs
sturgill: LAN party
sturgill: room with a view
sturgill: maxin' and relaxin'
sturgill: calm before the storm
sturgill: moustache men
sturgill: day spa bank
sturgill: ANTM betting pool
sturgill: up-and-comer
sturgill: custard!!
sturgill: columbia
sturgill: anchors away
sturgill: the spread
sturgill: skål!
sturgill: underground wine tasting
sturgill: crystal clear
sturgill: one of the many blurry photos
sturgill: lunar boy gallery
sturgill: lunar boy gallery
sturgill: ghostly waiter
sturgill: fiona's spooky quarters
sturgill: heavy metal
sturgill: heated floor tiles!