stupidgirlno1: Wide awake at 5am and ready to go
stupidgirlno1: Bus from car park to airport
stupidgirlno1: First plane journey!
stupidgirlno1: First plane Owen went on - Aberdeen to Manchester
stupidgirlno1: Tram time!
stupidgirlno1: Early check in for some quiet time
stupidgirlno1: Looking at Old Trafford from hotel room
stupidgirlno1: 3 generations of Man U fans get to Old Trafford at last!
stupidgirlno1: Mixed grill in the Red Cafe
stupidgirlno1: Reg and his man's lunch!
stupidgirlno1: Pie of the day in the Red Cafe
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - where's his top Mum?
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - choosing hair for David Beckham
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Owen thinks David Beckham looks good like this
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - us with the trophies
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - some of their trophies
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - take a picture of this Mum
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Owen and Michael Owen
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - caps
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - strips
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour guide Stewart
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Old Trafford empty
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Old Trafford empty
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Robertsons at Old Trafford
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Busby Babes rememberance flame
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - press box
stupidgirlno1: Man U tour - Stewart teaches us more