stupidgirlno1: Fruit juice in the hot tub pre breakfast
stupidgirlno1: Walking the Cairngorms to find reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Gals and glorious view
stupidgirlno1: Emily tells us about reindeer whilst hoping they will move closer (they didn't!)
stupidgirlno1: Trekking out to the reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Reindeer herd
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 067
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 068
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 069
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 070
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 071
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 072
stupidgirlno1: Iphone 073
stupidgirlno1: The reindeer weren't bothered by us or our technology
stupidgirlno1: Tentative reindeer touching
stupidgirlno1: The family on our trip with the reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Reindeer snuffling for food
stupidgirlno1: Everyone wanted a stroke of the reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Toddler George was very excited by the reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Little baby loved the reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Group shot of reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Poser in the foreground
stupidgirlno1: One of these beasts isn't a reindeer you know...
stupidgirlno1: Reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Poor reindeer doesn't realise they have her surrounded
stupidgirlno1: Almost mirror image reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Even kids are safe to feed reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Slightly tentative reindeer
stupidgirlno1: Look deep into my reindeer eyes..
stupidgirlno1: Happily feeding reindeer