stupidgirlno1: Face of wonder
stupidgirlno1: Owen and I touched this corn snake *wibble*
stupidgirlno1: Plane ride
stupidgirlno1: Looking at fish
stupidgirlno1: Owen enjoys the moving walkway
stupidgirlno1: Snapping turtle
stupidgirlno1: Finding Nemo!
stupidgirlno1: Story time with Daddy
stupidgirlno1: Piped Piper of chickens
stupidgirlno1: Why are they following me?!
stupidgirlno1: Can't stop him going off to see the 'buk buk's!!
stupidgirlno1: Peekaboo with curtains
stupidgirlno1: Watching birds eat our nuts
stupidgirlno1: Two eggs
stupidgirlno1: Hard work at Creagan
stupidgirlno1: Filling Granny's nut feeder
stupidgirlno1: Treats for the chickens
stupidgirlno1: Look what I just found!
stupidgirlno1: Chicken boy
stupidgirlno1: Train table in cafe
stupidgirlno1: Checking out the baa sheep
stupidgirlno1: Owen and prairie dog
stupidgirlno1: Tortoises
stupidgirlno1: Coatimundi
stupidgirlno1: Tractor!!
stupidgirlno1: Cold Owen looks in