stupidgirlno1: Most fun of the day?!
stupidgirlno1: My parents, now OAPs, saw their first meerkats today
stupidgirlno1: Penguins molting
stupidgirlno1: Looking at a pig with his Grandparents
stupidgirlno1: Aborigine dance?!
stupidgirlno1: Running to Granny
stupidgirlno1: Cuddles for Granny
stupidgirlno1: Birthday cuddles for Grandad
stupidgirlno1: Hungry pig
stupidgirlno1: Dirty pig
stupidgirlno1: My family, all together
stupidgirlno1: Wee boy, big umbrella, wet Grandad
stupidgirlno1: Owen takes photo of his Grandparents
stupidgirlno1: Owen and his Dad check out the lemurs
stupidgirlno1: Brown Lemur
stupidgirlno1: Owen looks at the White Rhinos
stupidgirlno1: Mum and Dad open their birthday cards
stupidgirlno1: Owen enjoys Grandad's porridge
stupidgirlno1: Dad seems pleased with his canvas of himself and Owen
stupidgirlno1: My chaps admire themselves