stupidgirlno1: Bunting on the stairs
stupidgirlno1: Flags and Orders of Service
stupidgirlno1: Newspaper cuttings
stupidgirlno1: Special teabag
stupidgirlno1: First guests arrive
stupidgirlno1: Library all ready for Royal Wedding viewing
stupidgirlno1: Library all set up for Royal Wedding viewing
stupidgirlno1: Paper clippings and colouring in sheet
stupidgirlno1: Flowers, champers glasses, guest list, bunting
stupidgirlno1: Big screen, bunting, order of service
stupidgirlno1: Liz's cupcakes, with special cases!
stupidgirlno1: Guests arriving
stupidgirlno1: Watching folk arrive
stupidgirlno1: Alan tops up bubbly and strawberries as Kate arrives
stupidgirlno1: The BRIDE!
stupidgirlno1: Man in a kilt, girl in a pretty dress. Sorted!
stupidgirlno1: Bubbly and cupcake, I was all set!
stupidgirlno1: Ceremony and some tissues at the ready!
stupidgirlno1: Alan tops up bubbly and hands out tissues!
stupidgirlno1: Our wedding cake
stupidgirlno1: Yes, that is a dog in my library!
stupidgirlno1: Guests from the balcony!
stupidgirlno1: Wedding guests
stupidgirlno1: Group shoot
stupidgirlno1: Rhona and Dee love each other very much!
stupidgirlno1: Rhona cutting the cake
stupidgirlno1: Dee thought the wedding was fab fun!
stupidgirlno1: Elizabeth and Michael
stupidgirlno1: Lydia and Alan
stupidgirlno1: Donna and Marianne