stupidgirlno1: Oooh new business cards!
stupidgirlno1: New preferred bathing position
stupidgirlno1: I haz fluffy pussy
stupidgirlno1: 2 of these chose their own tshirt
stupidgirlno1: Benson tries out Owen's table and chairs
stupidgirlno1: Opening cards is fun!
stupidgirlno1: And they call it puppy love. .
stupidgirlno1: Fuzzy felts Disney playhouse book!
stupidgirlno1: First Shoes!
stupidgirlno1: My pizza!!
stupidgirlno1: Paint!!
stupidgirlno1: Bubbles for the morning after!
stupidgirlno1: Guess who I love?!
stupidgirlno1: Shopping is fun when you are no longer overweight!!
stupidgirlno1: Lucas smashes his Daddy in the face with a bus
stupidgirlno1: Owen likes Mummy's eBay shopping addiction
stupidgirlno1: Raisins
stupidgirlno1: George guards dinner time
stupidgirlno1: My @jaffne knows me so well!
stupidgirlno1: Library set up for CPD
stupidgirlno1: Capturing the sun rise
stupidgirlno1: Today we did painting
stupidgirlno1: Me? Make a mess Mum?!
stupidgirlno1: George looking regal
stupidgirlno1: Happy Burns Night from Owen
stupidgirlno1: Chocolate tasting
stupidgirlno1: Ah leftovers
stupidgirlno1: Pussy tongue
stupidgirlno1: Saturday night dinner
stupidgirlno1: Owen has 'proper' cutlery now