stupidgirlno1: Granny returns from her first walk with the pram, and Owen of course!
stupidgirlno1: Already found the Malt Whisky cupboard
stupidgirlno1: Owen looks for birds in the garden
stupidgirlno1: Owen checks out the view from the bedroom
stupidgirlno1: Cheeky smiles!
stupidgirlno1: Wondering if the pram would manage the mountain at the back..?
stupidgirlno1: Owen in his first hotel room!
stupidgirlno1: Playing with Granny
stupidgirlno1: Pretty ice shapes
stupidgirlno1: Broch project info
stupidgirlno1: His first wobbly bridge!
stupidgirlno1: Granny and the pram
stupidgirlno1: Grandad and Owen consider each other
stupidgirlno1: Smily chaps
stupidgirlno1: Maria and Owen
stupidgirlno1: Spot the squirrel!
stupidgirlno1: Its a ginger!
stupidgirlno1: Red squirrel gets breakfast
stupidgirlno1: Snowy mountain above Loch Lubnaig
stupidgirlno1: Loch Lubnaig
stupidgirlno1: Owen and Lynne
stupidgirlno1: Owen reaches out to Lynne
stupidgirlno1: Calling X-Men...
stupidgirlno1: Boat on River Tay
stupidgirlno1: Family walk