stupidgirlno1: Cinderella's sock?
stupidgirlno1: Someone left Cake?!
stupidgirlno1: Weird bottle thing
stupidgirlno1: Random butterfly at side of road
stupidgirlno1: Countryside graffitti
stupidgirlno1: Icy vandalism
stupidgirlno1: Calling X-Men...
stupidgirlno1: This always makes me think "Gordon Brown is full of dog poo". No idea why
stupidgirlno1: Graffitti wall
stupidgirlno1: Lost a hat anyone?
stupidgirlno1: Frisbee anyone?!
stupidgirlno1: Harry Potter may have cold fingers
stupidgirlno1: Discarded dummy
stupidgirlno1: Lost glove
stupidgirlno1: Deserted blanket
stupidgirlno1: Invisible dog?
stupidgirlno1: Interesting array of bottles
stupidgirlno1: Footie?
stupidgirlno1: Poor lost glove
stupidgirlno1: Cardigan (?)
stupidgirlno1: Poor lost ladybug
stupidgirlno1: Game Over
stupidgirlno1: Not just any lost glove, a Mickey Mouse no less!
stupidgirlno1: Lovely offer....
stupidgirlno1: Interesting graffitti
stupidgirlno1: Fisherman's friend
stupidgirlno1: A little girl may get sunburnt now
stupidgirlno1: Spoon in the sun
stupidgirlno1: Happy lost dummy