stupidgirlno1: Granny reads Owen a story
stupidgirlno1: Gorgeous day (from moving car window)
stupidgirlno1: Mirrored loch (from moving car window)
stupidgirlno1: View down Loch Earn from St Fillans (from moving car window)
stupidgirlno1: Mum feeds the cock *snigger*
stupidgirlno1: Loving bunnies
stupidgirlno1: Dad catches a guinea pig for Owen to see
stupidgirlno1: Owen meets his first guinea pig
stupidgirlno1: Owen stroking a guinea pig
stupidgirlno1: Dad feeding the vermin!
stupidgirlno1: Mum loves this white stag
stupidgirlno1: Mum with white stag
stupidgirlno1: Prairie dog begging for more
stupidgirlno1: Mum feeds a prairie dog
stupidgirlno1: Owen and I stroke prairie dog whilst Gran distracts it with lunch!
stupidgirlno1: Piggy goes ice skating
stupidgirlno1: Raccoons!!!!
stupidgirlno1: Meerkat ripping into dinner of fluffy yellow chick
stupidgirlno1: Meerkat poser
stupidgirlno1: Ickle lamb
stupidgirlno1: Baby lambies!
stupidgirlno1: Burger and chips out
stupidgirlno1: Loch Earn from St Fillans