stupidgirlno1: Arriving with luggage fully intact
stupidgirlno1: Meeting the gang
stupidgirlno1: Posing on a chair
stupidgirlno1: Looking for a good book
stupidgirlno1: Checking out pretty pictures of pastures
stupidgirlno1: Posing on the stairs
stupidgirlno1: Looking out for police mens
stupidgirlno1: Hoping to get some "Librarian Action" stamping books
stupidgirlno1: Checking out the War Memorial
stupidgirlno1: Having lunch in a cafe
stupidgirlno1: Helping in the bra changing room
stupidgirlno1: Not enjoying the weather on the way home, but can see the sea!
stupidgirlno1: Wondering what this "pig" thing is which CharonQC talks about
stupidgirlno1: Wondering about watching a movie as its raining
stupidgirlno1: The natives seemed a little unwelcoming
stupidgirlno1: @bunnyspony wasn't sure he wanted to play at being stupid's baby
stupidgirlno1: Ah here was a place he recognised and felt safe
stupidgirlno1: Helping stupid's hubby with the cooking, considering a jacuzzi dip...
stupidgirlno1: Checking the baby tree growth
stupidgirlno1: Pony meets the Pig family that live in the garden
stupidgirlno1: bunnyspony checks out the guest house and decides its a bit too small
stupidgirlno1: Pony trys Malt whisky
stupidgirlno1: Pony on stupid's hubby's leg watching Britney vids
stupidgirlno1: Pony tries a cat house but attracks too much attention
stupidgirlno1: Pony can hide in here, but its not compfy
stupidgirlno1: Benson makes a fluffy bed
stupidgirlno1: Benson is a bit too personal
stupidgirlno1: George and Pony watch the pretty butterfly
stupidgirlno1: Ooh pretty light!
stupidgirlno1: Pony thinks this cat is too friendly