Stupidelf: Steep Holme
Stupidelf: 1 Sep 2012 16:11
Stupidelf: Support
Stupidelf: 1 Sep 2012 15:45
Stupidelf: Saunton Beach
Stupidelf: Woolacombe Bay
Stupidelf: Woolacombe Beach
Stupidelf: Donkey DayDreams
Stupidelf: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Stupidelf: From Weston Beach
Stupidelf: Porlock Pebbles
Stupidelf: Clevedon Pier 25-10-2011 14-02-29
Stupidelf: Steps to Nowhere 25-10-2011 13-54-35
Stupidelf: Clevedon BMX Bandit 25-10-2011 13-13-07
Stupidelf: The Pier 25-10-2011 13-06-07
Stupidelf: Wales from Clevedon 25-10-2011 13-02-21
Stupidelf: Clevedon Tidal Pool 25-10-2011 12-49-28
Stupidelf: Tidal Pool, Clevedon
Stupidelf: Clevedon Sea Front 25-10-2011 12-42-43
Stupidelf: Clevedon Tidal Pool 25-10-2011 12-40-22
Stupidelf: Reflecting
Stupidelf: Beachcombing, Clevedon
Stupidelf: West Bay
Stupidelf: West Bay from Cliff Top
Stupidelf: Porlock Beach 26-10-2011 14-43-11
Stupidelf: Porlock beach - practicing manual exposure
Stupidelf: Saunton Sands
Stupidelf: Blistering Barnacles!
Stupidelf: My Daughter on Woolacombe Beach
Stupidelf: Porlock Defences