Vagabond Voyages: Emmett loves his Uncle Dave!
Vagabond Voyages: Reaching for the camera
Vagabond Voyages: Reaching for the camera
Vagabond Voyages: Pictures, again? I'll get that camera!
Vagabond Voyages: HERE I COME!
Vagabond Voyages: Ha! Gotcha!
Vagabond Voyages: My turn to push!
Vagabond Voyages: Here we go!
Vagabond Voyages: I'm doing a good job!
Vagabond Voyages: Happy baby.
Vagabond Voyages: Look at all the people and babies and dogs and stuff.
Vagabond Voyages: Lots of things to see at this art fair!
Vagabond Voyages: I found a leaf!
Vagabond Voyages: Grandma she's taking our pitchur
Vagabond Voyages: My grandma is a silly lady
Vagabond Voyages: Red balloon
Vagabond Voyages: I want to chew it.
Vagabond Voyages: Emmett loves Dave
Vagabond Voyages: Emmett loves Dave