ESEartstudio: mosquito
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: mosquito
ESEartstudio: cyclops bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: mosquito (cat "added" for scale)
ESEartstudio: mosquito
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: detail of mosquito
ESEartstudio: cyclops bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: cyclops bug
ESEartstudio: evil alien underbelly of fly sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: cyclops bug
ESEartstudio: fly sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: bug sculpture
ESEartstudio: beastie
ESEartstudio: wildebeast
ESEartstudio: IMG_0731