Studio Fresca:
Sunflower Seeds...?
Studio Fresca:
But is it BIG enough?! Construction Site Visit
Studio Fresca:
10' Tall Sunflowers to be planted at Cancer Care Center
Studio Fresca:
Four Design Choices for Mosaic Mirror Installation for the Circle of Care Cancer Center
Studio Fresca:
Leaf Cutouts
Studio Fresca:
Leaf with shading
Studio Fresca:
One down...14 to go!
Studio Fresca:
Cutting the sunflower shapes
Studio Fresca:
Refining the Sunflower Petals
Studio Fresca:
sunflower with tess on the petals
Studio Fresca:
Sunflowers and leaves WIP
Studio Fresca:
A few of the leaves during grouting WIP
Studio Fresca:
Finished Leaf with ladybug