Studio d'Xavier: The Day Jellyroll came on Spikes Radio
Studio d'Xavier: Hobgloblin
Studio d'Xavier: Portrait of Chuck and Halle Berry
Studio d'Xavier: Desperate Measures
Studio d'Xavier: Examination of One's Own Darkness is the First Step towards Enlightenment
Studio d'Xavier: Edwina drew the line at the Duct Tape.
Studio d'Xavier: Not much surprised the staff at the Manigotapi Emergency Room
Studio d'Xavier: The Real and Authentic Dirty Mary with her Portrait of Crazy Larry
Studio d'Xavier: Monsignor Hildebrandt and Sister Chalupa show their appreciation for subliminal Catholic advocacy
Studio d'Xavier: Hard Hat Area
Studio d'Xavier: Symphony of the Supererogatory
Studio d'Xavier: Maxine collected old men and insurance policies......
Studio d'Xavier: Sadly Nurse Mathilda was only at number six.
Studio d'Xavier: Inappropriate Selfie in the Saint Benedict Morgue
Studio d'Xavier: Of Photography, Arrows and Indians
Studio d'Xavier: Herbert thought Lucy's hat was a bit much.
Studio d'Xavier: Sophie's Revenge
Studio d'Xavier: Jeannie had a premonition of ill advised wishes.......
Studio d'Xavier: Tattooed Tear
Studio d'Xavier: The Night We Found a Racoon Eating Potato Chips in Kim's Maserati
Studio d'Xavier: Alien Encounter and Taxidermy : A Science Fair Scandal at Manigotapi Middle School, Manigotapi Mississippi
Studio d'Xavier: What the Petunia Saw or A Snake in the Greenhouse
Studio d'Xavier: Busting Caps on Bourbon Street
Studio d'Xavier: Cirque d'Xavier: Help Wanted
Studio d'Xavier: The Search for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Studio d'Xavier: Horace hears they gonna bring them Ebolas to Atlanta
Studio d'Xavier: Big Earl hated shoe shopping with the Little Woman.
Studio d'Xavier: Thumbing our Noses at Giants
Studio d'Xavier: Encounter with a Barbie Walker at the Gates of Akuparubah
Studio d'Xavier: The Night Dr. Ritasselblad and his nurse Sophie appeared on stage at the Canada Symposium