studiodobs: Tricolore
studiodobs: A bottle scarecrow kissed by the full moon
studiodobs: Le Pendu
studiodobs: Yom Shabath in Kibbutz
studiodobs: Vieux horloges au marché aux puces
studiodobs: The watches collector
studiodobs: The cupboard of the watches collector
studiodobs: Old rusty harrow
studiodobs: Old rusty harrow
studiodobs: Old rusty harrow
studiodobs: Old rusty harrow
studiodobs: The Temple of Mnemosyne, Goddess of Memory
studiodobs: Le Prince et la Rose
studiodobs: Aliens in the backyard
studiodobs: ... silent confab ...
studiodobs: Jack the Ripper's backstage
studiodobs: Copper stove
studiodobs: Chafariz jurássico
studiodobs: Pumpkins cart
studiodobs: Sunbathing tyres
studiodobs: ... sunbathing tyres ...
studiodobs: Recycled boots ...
studiodobs: Doorknocker
studiodobs: Door-knocker
studiodobs: Closed forever ...
studiodobs: Baroque chair
studiodobs: Sunny chairs in the old barn
studiodobs: Sit down, please ...
studiodobs: PORSCHE
studiodobs: B M W