Studiobaker: crinkly chrome red Meteor
Studiobaker: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
Studiobaker: black Buick door handle
Studiobaker: shadows and trails
Studiobaker: weedy Chevy truck
Studiobaker: Summertime, and the living is easy
Studiobaker: Fleetwood logo
Studiobaker: Rideau script
Studiobaker: glowing Chrysler
Studiobaker: gold and silver Imperial grille
Studiobaker: National Geographic magazines tied up with string
Studiobaker: La Salle badge
Studiobaker: door handle diagonals
Studiobaker: blue Chevy bowtie
Studiobaker: silvery glow
Studiobaker: river of rust
Studiobaker: Buick shields
Studiobaker: faded country squire
Studiobaker: Conover WIS Cadillac
Studiobaker: I peer through the window of lost time
Studiobaker: Glen Carbon
Studiobaker: broken GMC
Studiobaker: Job-rated
Studiobaker: windshield spiderwebs
Studiobaker: Chevrolet badge
Studiobaker: blue Buick side
Studiobaker: Lincoln Continental logo
Studiobaker: Grrrr!
Studiobaker: Lincoln Continental drift