Studiobaker: thought
Studiobaker: Chinese sculpture with shadow
Studiobaker: furrowed brow
Studiobaker: Chinese year statues
Studiobaker: eye roller
Studiobaker: robed arm
Studiobaker: looking back
Studiobaker: aggression
Studiobaker: thickly bearded Greek guy
Studiobaker: white woman 1 - side facing
Studiobaker: white woman 2 - sidelong glance
Studiobaker: white woman 3 - near profile
Studiobaker: white woman 4 - face and curls
Studiobaker: white woman 6 - all about the eyes
Studiobaker: veiled sculpture
Studiobaker: turbaned sculpture
Studiobaker: subtle curves
Studiobaker: fancy prancer
Studiobaker: horse lips
Studiobaker: woman with shawl
Studiobaker: native american woman
Studiobaker: flexibility
Studiobaker: headband style
Studiobaker: angel trumpeter
Studiobaker: floating flautist
Studiobaker: glazed
Studiobaker: haughtiness
Studiobaker: 1946 Czech Tatra
Studiobaker: noseless Greek sculpture