Studiobaker: down by the river
Studiobaker: immediate outdoor seating available
Studiobaker: Dinkytowner & Blarney
Studiobaker: Nicollet Self Service car wash
Studiobaker: newspaper truck
Studiobaker: grain elevator demolition
Studiobaker: loading
Studiobaker: blue gate
Studiobaker: no parking at any time
Studiobaker: Mad Hatter blunderbuss
Studiobaker: guest bathroom
Studiobaker: Health Guardian profile
Studiobaker: serious business
Studiobaker: Frozen Minnehaha Falls
Studiobaker: Health Guardians
Studiobaker: E.T., captured and shellacked
Studiobaker: Hymie's Records inventory
Studiobaker: Hymie!
Studiobaker: Hymie's Records jukebox
Studiobaker: records corner
Studiobaker: Hymie's Records aisles
Studiobaker: Are we not men?
Studiobaker: Buick Nose
Studiobaker: Grain Elevators and trailers
Studiobaker: Grain Elevator junk pile
Studiobaker: Head Start Bus
Studiobaker: the neighborhood
Studiobaker: I hate you but I love you ...
Studiobaker: Pierce-Arrow Archer
Studiobaker: descent