studio-s: america's most beloved ballpark
studio-s: fenway park on yawkey way
studio-s: ian photographs fenway
studio-s: my first view in fenway park
studio-s: fenway
studio-s: the green monster
studio-s: burgers and fries, fenway franks
studio-s: hood makes red sox ice cream
studio-s: the edge of the field at fenway
studio-s: ian checks out the green monster
studio-s: anna and ian at fenway
studio-s: the green monster
studio-s: a storied red sox history
studio-s: the grandstands at fenway
studio-s: the field at fenway
studio-s: fenway scoreboard
studio-s: the fenway tour
studio-s: coca cola at fenway
studio-s: the jimmy fund
studio-s: on the field
studio-s: red sox chain links
studio-s: souvenirs
studio-s: gate c
studio-s: monster snacks
studio-s: the top of the green monster
studio-s: view from the monster
studio-s: fenway panorama
studio-s: the dugout
studio-s: our fenway tour guide
studio-s: infield at fenway