studio-s: ian and fox model the glove
studio-s: goofy smile
studio-s: not ready
studio-s: surprise
studio-s: senior girls
studio-s: coach and cartier interview
studio-s: post win
studio-s: k-state 72, ou 61
studio-s: anna, fox and ian
studio-s: ian and fox
studio-s: headbands in honor of cartier
studio-s: classy cats with frat boys
studio-s: bramlage glowing
studio-s: senior night
studio-s: senior night: cartier + mom
studio-s: senior night: lance harris
studio-s: senior night: lance + family
studio-s: senior night
studio-s: senior night
studio-s: senior night
studio-s: chicken ready to fly on the court
studio-s: secret agent willie
studio-s: willie blasts through a wall
studio-s: the blacked out student section
studio-s: black out bramlage panorama
studio-s: cartier martin meets the crowd
studio-s: the team thanks the students
studio-s: fox waiting in line
studio-s: the line started at 6 a.m.
studio-s: bramlage during post-game