studio-s: amber, cory, vern, & cole's table
studio-s: our table
studio-s: servers enter
studio-s: servers dance
studio-s: servers dance
studio-s: servers dance
studio-s: caleb and anna sniff the flower
studio-s: anna and amber
studio-s: anna and vern
studio-s: anna and karen
studio-s: anna and brett
studio-s: prom decorations
studio-s: by the light of the moon
studio-s: anna and jade
studio-s: vern and cole
studio-s: anna, amber and vern
studio-s: brett steals the camera
studio-s: anna and amber
studio-s: caleb in vern's coat
studio-s: anna and caleb
studio-s: anna and jake's picture
studio-s: amber and laurie
studio-s: amber and cory eating
studio-s: brett
studio-s: anna and jake at the table
studio-s: ian at promenade
studio-s: group picture at promenade
studio-s: megan and josef at promenade
studio-s: laurie and preston at promenade
studio-s: ian and laurie at the dance