studio-s: race for the cure @ wichita
studio-s: anna, stormtrooper, micki, patti
studio-s: posing with the star wars dudes
studio-s: star wars supports susan g. komen
studio-s: a look back @ the starting line
studio-s: and they're off
studio-s: the pink cement truck
studio-s: a supportive home
studio-s: lakeside blvd.
studio-s: through the neighborhood
studio-s: she's racing for a lot of people
studio-s: the final stretch
studio-s: the finish line
studio-s: "i am the cure"
studio-s: anna, micki & patti
studio-s: paul blart, mall cop
studio-s: TOMS shoes
studio-s: dane eating gummy life savers
studio-s: bethel running out to maylene & the sons of disaster
studio-s: dane & micki + carson
studio-s: ian & carson, first cousin once removed
studio-s: carson poses for the camera
studio-s: night game @ bethel vs. kwu