patricia sahertian: "he thought we wouldn't know"
patricia sahertian: "he thought we wouldn't know"
patricia sahertian: "what oscar left behind"
patricia sahertian: ma grand mere est morte
patricia sahertian: not a message
patricia sahertian: fifty years
patricia sahertian: he left us
patricia sahertian: rachel clenton witch trial
patricia sahertian: a mere stroke of the awl
patricia sahertian: while you were out . . .
patricia sahertian: hennessy tennessy toots the flute
patricia sahertian: We have a secret (back)
patricia sahertian: We have a secret (front)
patricia sahertian: Penn 124 8POXE sylvania
patricia sahertian: Danke, Herr Gutenberg
patricia sahertian: which way do i go?
patricia sahertian: there will be blood
patricia sahertian: the magistrate wore a little wig
patricia sahertian: to willy herrmann
patricia sahertian: is this your goat?
patricia sahertian: uncle sam doesn't want you
patricia sahertian: entry for the world is a town
patricia sahertian: entry for textile mail art project
patricia sahertian: envelope for secret exchange