stuant63: The Big Yan
stuant63: Deep Shadows in the Purple Haze
stuant63: Misadventures in Space and Time
stuant63: Eddies in the space-time continuum
stuant63: Cosmic ripples from a fairly small Big Bang
stuant63: Water bubbles in oil
stuant63: The final frontier
stuant63: Mucking about in hyperspace
stuant63: "Open the flippin' pod bay doors, Hal!"
stuant63: Many Worlds
stuant63: The Total Perspective Vortex
stuant63: Random collusions
stuant63: Oh my God, it's full of stars!
stuant63: While my rainbow gently melts
stuant63: Fantastic Voyage
stuant63: This is Made of Sweet Dreams.
stuant63: Hold Your Breath
stuant63: Swimming with Aliens
stuant63: Let it Snow
stuant63: Tumbling into Infinity
stuant63: Interstellar Underdrive
stuant63: Once More With Feeling
stuant63: Small blue-green planet
stuant63: HAL 9000
stuant63: Through a glass darkly
stuant63: Pleiades
stuant63: The Shape of Things To Come
stuant63: Exit The Dragon
stuant63: Somewhere in a Distant Galaxy...
stuant63: Just Another Supernova