stuant63: Wood Anemone
stuant63: Pink Wood Anemone
stuant63: Evening light
stuant63: Violet - Viola riviniana
stuant63: morning primrose
stuant63: Shadows and shapes
stuant63: bluebell
stuant63: Ranunculus sp
stuant63: Selfheal
stuant63: Common or Heath Spotted orchid
stuant63: foxglove
stuant63: tiny christmas trees?
stuant63: Bog Cotton
stuant63: Meadow Crane’s-bill - Geranium pratense
stuant63: foxy
stuant63: Root, stone and stitch
stuant63: Tanglewood
stuant63: Wood Sorrel
stuant63: sundew
stuant63: windflower
stuant63: windflower and water
stuant63: Bluebells, pink ones
stuant63: bluebells
stuant63: Nibbled Meadow Saxifrage
stuant63: Meadow saxifrage
stuant63: Searching for the sun
stuant63: Common Fumitory
stuant63: Bladder Campion
stuant63: Red Campion
stuant63: Ivy Leaved Toadflax