stuant63: blast
stuant63: Shakey Balrog
stuant63: Big white hole
stuant63: boom boom boom
stuant63: get intae them!
stuant63: how many toes?
stuant63: waterfall trap
stuant63: Spookybogle
stuant63: triplejump
stuant63: Imagine the sky was upside down
stuant63: Messing about with Photoshop
stuant63: two piglets
stuant63: Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
stuant63: Wobbly thing on the shore.
stuant63: ooO
stuant63: General Ludwig Von Schmelling
stuant63: The ghost of me
stuant63: And now for something completely different.
stuant63: Hold still, will you!
stuant63: A duck ponders the bokeh
stuant63: I have absolutely no idea what this means
stuant63: Surfing The Cloud
stuant63: out
stuant63: ripples
stuant63: Alien
stuant63: Help!
stuant63: 35 years later
stuant63: Looking for Zaphod
stuant63: Adulation