stuant63: admirable
stuant63: moth
stuant63: Oak Eggar Moth
stuant63: Fritillary of some sort
stuant63: butterflies
stuant63: ringless butterfly
stuant63: red
stuant63: Oak Eggar Moth
stuant63: Common Blue
stuant63: Ringlet butterfly
stuant63: Babbity Bumble
stuant63: furry and brown
stuant63: Brimstone Moth
stuant63: Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea)
stuant63: Common Hawker
stuant63: Butterfly on log
stuant63: Small Tortoiseshell
stuant63: pearl bordered fritillary
stuant63: A rather big portion
stuant63: Large Red Damselfly
stuant63: DSCF3912
stuant63: Red Tailed Bumble Bee
stuant63: Watch your tongue!
stuant63: Buff-Tailed Bumble Bee?
stuant63: Large Red Damselfly
stuant63: Early Bumble Bee
stuant63: Garden Bumble Bee
stuant63: The bee with ragged wings
stuant63: Garden Bumblebee landing
stuant63: I think it's a Garden Bumblebee