stuant63: fulmars
stuant63: fulmar
stuant63: ptarmigan
stuant63: Fulmar at Fowlsheugh
stuant63: Fulmar flypast at Fowlsheugh
stuant63: move over
stuant63: tumble, dive, glide
stuant63: Kittiwake : Rissa tridactyla
stuant63: ptarmigan launch
stuant63: ptarmigan launch
stuant63: Wooden Pigeon
stuant63: Lobstercatchers
stuant63: Silly wet gulls
stuant63: scramble
stuant63: A duck ponders the bokeh
stuant63: Sideways look
stuant63: Male Siskin
stuant63: Immature gulls
stuant63: Male Siskin
stuant63: Superb camouflage
stuant63: Male Siskin again
stuant63: Two Razorbills
stuant63: Look, I'm a Crossbill!
stuant63: Immature gull
stuant63: Swanset
stuant63: ospreys
stuant63: Skywriting
stuant63: From an empty sky
stuant63: Mostly a Guillemot
stuant63: Owl four one and one four owl