stu72: Guam Trolley Bus
stu72: Scoffing chocolate and waiting for the trolley bus
stu72: Ellie posing
stu72: Cheese pose
stu72: Morning light
stu72: Seriously Dad, do you have to interrupt my macaroni cheese eating?!
stu72: DSC_2519
stu72: DSC_2477
stu72: DSC_2475
stu72: DSC_2473
stu72: DSC_2476
stu72: DSC_2474
stu72: DSC_2472
stu72: DSC_2470
stu72: DSC_2469
stu72: DSC_2468
stu72: DSC_2471
stu72: DSC_2463
stu72: DSC_2464
stu72: DSC_2462
stu72: DSC_2439
stu72: DSC_2438
stu72: DSC_2436
stu72: Ellie and Emma having fun on the slide ... again
stu72: DSC_2431
stu72: Ellie and Emma having fun on the slide
stu72: Swimming is fun!
stu72: Learning to swim
stu72: Laughing in the pool
stu72: Ellie streaking on the balcony